Aussie Keto Queen

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Day 20 of the 21 Day Keto Challenge

Day 20 of the 21 Day Keto Challenge

Can you believe it, we are on the eve of the last day?

If you’re following the complete meal plan, you’ll notice tomorrow’s dinner is a Celebration Meal!

This means go out and treat yourself – with Keto foods. It might mean some delicious sashimi, some roasted pork belly with cauliflower mash, an amazing piece of salmon.

I also want you to take a moment to check in with how you’ve gone over the past 20 days.

It is the second last day of the Challenge. 

The final countdown. 

Grab a cup of tea and a pen and paper, we are going to do some Q&A and reflection 

I want you to look back on the goals you set 21 days ago. 

Let’s review each one and answer these questions for yourself. These exercises are really helpful at getting in touch with your mind and body.

Did you achieve each goal?

What % would you say? 90%? 50%? 0%? Be honest with yourself

What could you have done differently to achieve more?

Do you wish your goals were harder? Easier?

What have you learnt from this challenge?

What challenged you the most about it?

What are you going to do differently for the next 3 weeks?

Now, let’s set some goals for the rest of the year. 

Where you do you want to be by Christmas? Include goals for your measurements or weight if you must, or a particular outfit, or exercise goals or life goals. 

How are you going to get there? Break it down step by step.

If you wish, share your goals in the facebook group.

Accountability is great and really helpful for us to stay true to ourselves. 


See you tomorrow for the final day of the 21 Day Challenge.


Rachel xxx

The Aussie Keto Queen

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