Welcome to Day 6!
I have to say, I am LOVING the positive vibes over in the facebook group.
I don’t really like facebook or social media in general, but it’s a necessary evil when it comes to getting a group of people together! We all know how to use it, but facebook can be a pretty negative space.
Not my Keto queens and kings though!! Everyone is super helpful and lovely and it brings me so much joy 😍
The biggest rule I have is a banned phrase: “THAT’S NOT KETO”
If you’ve been in any other Keto groups, you know it’s a common thing and it can come with some serious judgement.
My Keto is finding the keto that works for YOU long term.
That means sustainable, affordable and POSSIBLE. It means having back up plans and being ready for life.
Because if it’s not, you’re not going to keep doing it.
When someone does ask “is it keto” the answer is so often – it depends. Because it might be low carb, but is it inflammatory? Is it the optimum nutrition you could be having?
That’s why “is it keto” is kind of like “is this good for me”.
It’s unanswerable because nobody knows you, your history, your body or what your health goals are!
Over the course of this challenge, I want you to think about what your “Keto” is.
What fits with your life? Your budget? Your family? Your goals?
So while we learn more about what sort of “keto” works for us, here’s some rough guidelines to help you find ‘your keto’.
The labels don’t mean anything, other than helping you find the right groups to follow.
If you join a strict keto group and share the Atkins bar you had for breakfast, you’re going to get a world of facebook eye rolls.
– Nothing processed, no additives, no sugar, no cheats
– Often no dairy
– No inflammatory foods
– No snacks, baked goods, bars, shakes
– Sometimes no nuts
– Dairy ok
– Generally clean foods, but packaged and store bought is ok
– Some inflammatory foods are included
– A sneaky wine here or there is common
– Whatever, whenever, as long as it’s low carb
– Follows the “If It Fits Your Macros approach”
– No focus on inflammation, gut health, mental health etc
Remember too that life goes on around us, you may go in and out of Keto or in and out of different styles.
It’s all fine – you haven’t failed.
Life can be tough, but if we are kind and forgiving of ourselves we will find our new ‘normal’ and enjoy the long term benefits of making healthier choices.
Rachel xx
P.S This is an excerpt from a longer article I wrote here, if you want to have a read.
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