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Net Carbs on Keto

Net Carbs on Keto

If you’ve been getting around the keto websites and groups, you’ll know there is constant confusion about Net Carbs on Keto.

Here, I hope to explain simply how to calculate your TRUE carb count for the day.

At the bottom of this page is a link to an extensive article about why we would deduct dietary fibre when calculating net carbs on ket, if you are interested in why this is the case and doing some further reading.

In the meantime, let’s focus on how to work it out.

Working out Net Carbs on Keto

There are 2 types of nutritional panels when it comes to carbs and fibre.

  1. Net carbs on keto, net carbs or total carbs on keto

Dietary Fibre is nestled under the Carbohydrates Heading, therefore you DEDUCT it from the total

In this example, this would mean there is a total of 3 grams NET carbs (ie. 4 grams total, less 1 gram dietary fibre)

Just like under the Fat heading, there is 9 grams of saturated fat within that.


2. Net carbs on keto, net carbs or total carbs on keto

Net carbs on keto, net carbs or total carbs on keto

Dietary Fibre has its own section and has already been deducted

In these examples, the first panel has 22.7 grams and the second has 34.6 grams carbohydrates but the dietary fibre has its own section. This means it has already been deducted, so the NET carbs is still 22.7 and 34.6 grams.

The confusion I see often starts when Aussies and Americans begin a conversation about net carbs on keto – but our labels are different! On 99% of Australian labels, the fibre is separated from the carbohydrates already, so does not need to be deducted to get your net carb count.

American labels seem to be 50/50 between already deducting and being included – so you need to check if you are being very strict and want to stay under 20 grams of NET carbs per day.

If you are using My Fitness Pal, you can also search for items Net carbs. For example, I search for tomatoes net carbs and it has records with the fibre already deducted.

Best bet, if you are getting confused about net carbs on keto, is steer away from packaged foods! Packaged foods are trying to fool you a lot of the time into thinking they are healthier than what they are. The best keto diet is one packed with fresh vegetables, and no one ever got kicked out of ketosis from eating too much spinach.

Here’s a really comprehensive article on net carbs vs total carbs from the Keto Diet App website.

I also recommend not getting too caught up when you first begin on carb counts, counting macros etc. It can be a good idea to stick with foods you know are keto approved, and focus more on eating until you are full and getting used to what you can eat before going into a tailspin over how much zucchini you can really eat with that meal.

Take it one day at a time, and be kind to yourself if you make a mistake. You are undoing a lifetime of incorrect information and sometimes bad habits, and it won’t happen overnight.

Just getting started on keto? Check out 10 Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting Keto

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