heartburn on keto

Heartburn on Keto Diet – Causes & Tips

Heartburn on Keto can be a real drag – always being a bit nervous about what you are going to eat and how it will affect your digestion.

If you are suffering with heartburn on keto, below are the details you need to be done with this problem once and for all!

  • What are the causes of Heartburn on Keto?
  • What foods should you avoid?
  • What can you do to ease Heartburn on Keto?

I used to get heartburn regularly before keto, and I could never quite put my finger on one thing that caused it (other than pre-mixed alcohol, which was always a guarantee).

Getting heartburn on Keto can be frustrating as you are eating better than before, but still suffering the same old digestion issues, or maybe it is even new for you.

What is Heartburn on Keto?

Heartburn is very common and simply put, is where stomach acids are forced back up into the oesophagus and creates a burning pain in the lower chest.

Heartburn on Keto is a common complaint but you dont have to suffer with it! Check out these top causes of heartburn and tips to reduce it for good.

It can be very painful and uncomfortable, especially at night when you are trying to sleep.

When you first start on keto, your body has a healing process to go through and this can be challenging at times.

For a lot of people though, their heartburn worsens for the first few weeks of Keto before slowly petering out.

Plenty of people realise one day they have not been affected by heartburn on Keto for weeks and thank their lucky stars!

What are common causes of Heartburn on Keto?

Heartburn can be caused by many things and a change to your diet, like going onto keto, can exacerbate it. Your digestive system gets used to how you eat over time, and so making a sudden change can have some initial downsides.

Some of the common foods that have been linked to heart burn are;

Heartburn on Keto is a common complaint but you dont have to suffer with it! Check out these top causes of heartburn and tips to reduce it for good.
  • Alcohol
  • Caffeine
  • Aspirin and ibuprofen
  • Carbonated beverages, especially sugary ones
  • Acidic foods and juices such as tomatoes, oranges, pineapple
  • Chocolate 🙁
  • Smoking
  • Grain based food
Heartburn on Keto is a common complaint but you dont have to suffer with it! Check out these top causes of heartburn and tips to reduce it for good.

Some other reasons that can cause heartburn are;

  • Smoking
  • Bacterial overgrowth in the gut
  • Iron deficiency
  • Pregnancy
  • Obesity, as it may cause increased pressure in the abdomen
  • Underlying issues such as stomach ulcers, hernias and diseases of the oesophagus
Heartburn on Keto is a common complaint but you dont have to suffer with it! Check out these top causes of heartburn and tips to reduce it for good.

What are ways to manage Heartburn on Keto while your body adjusts?

There are a few ways that you can try to alleviate heartburn, and the success will depend on the cause to begin with.

Some ways that have helped people suffering from heartburn on keto include;

  • Avoiding acidic foods like tomatoes
  • Probiotics – these are very useful to balance out bacterial issues in the gut
  • Over the counter antacids like Tums or Mylanta (check the carbs, but if it’s only a few carbs and means you can keep on keto, then go for it)
  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Fermented foods like kombucha, kefir, sauerkraut
  • Magnesium and zinc supplements
  • Dairy may be a culprit – try a few days without dairy
  • Chia seed puddings, especially using coconut milk
  • Adding more salt to your diet
  • A teaspoon of bicarb soda with a small bit of water, drunk quickly
Heartburn on Keto is a common complaint but you dont have to suffer with it! Check out these top causes of heartburn and tips to reduce it for good.

Most people find that if they have been long term heart burn sufferers, it becomes worse in the first week or two and then tends to settle down and completely disappear.

Try keeping a food log in My Fitness Pal and making note on which days you experience heart burn.

This will help you with matching up what foods may have caused your heartburn on keto.

Start with a very basic diet and introduce new foods slowly to see how your body reacts.


Heartburn on Keto is a common complaint but you dont have to suffer with it! Check out these top causes of heartburn and tips to reduce it for good.


Hippocrates (460-370 BC) said that “all diseases begin in the gut,” and heartburn on Keto is no different.

Remember: Your body is healing, so it will take some time!

Not sure how to start Keto? 

Here’s some resources to help you! 

Join The 21 Day Keto Kickstart Challenge & Hit Your Health Goals In 2022



4 responses to “Heartburn on Keto Diet – Causes & Tips”

  1. AronM Avatar

    I am on my first week on a Keto diet, I am worried that by eating meat, I will be increasing acidity in my stomach and cause heartburn. I mean, I have been experiencing acid reflux and heartburn like every week and that’s because I am overweight. That is why I am on a Keto diet so I can finally address the root cause of my acid reflux. I want this diet to work so I want to know if eating meat will cause more acid reflux. As of now, I am following the tips that I read about preventing heartburn causes here: https://westwoodwellness.com/heartburn-relief/. But hopefully soon, I will shed some pounds and get rid of heartburn completely.

    1. Rachel Avatar

      Hi Aron! I hope keto helps you as well, it has certainly alleviated many people’s suffering. Sometimes the first few days it hands around, but then lessens as we heal our guts and balance our gut flora. I’d suggest learning a bit about gut health as well, and including some things like kefir and sauerkraut in your diet.

  2. Marie-Lise Ladouceur Avatar
    Marie-Lise Ladouceur

    I have gerd and I read in Dr. Josh Axe keto diet book that we have to alkalinize our body cause meat and fat cause acidity. So he suggests to have a morning smoothie with greens powder. Or even to juice some greens. I personally add soda in my tomatoes and such. I avoid onions as they are also full of carbs I heard. I don’t eat at dinner, just mornings and lunches. And I am taking ppi meds and meds to bring the food down quicker. I avoid bacon cause it’s a trigger for me. I think oil without being mixed with actual food is my trigger. Nuts do fine. As long as I cut all carbs each day and I eat small portion rich protein and some fat {like avocado} I loose 1 pound a day. I do no More than 1 to 2 meals a day. And I try not to snack. If my acid comes to haunt me, I swallow 3 or 4 cashews. I also take deglicerized licorice roots tablets and I avoid all sweeteners even stevia. They irritate me big time. I lista 30 pounds so far by intermittent fasting and keto.

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